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The Malaysia Pagan Network Diary

YEAR 2000 - The Seed

January 18 - The founding of MyPagan as a mailing list for those who're interested in Wicca/Witchcraft to start a coven.
March - MyPagan fade into oblivion due to lack of response.
November - MyPagan revived as a mailing list for those interested to work in a coven.
November - The group met for the first time, seven attended the gathering.

December - Influx of new members into the mailing list, some of the most interesting discussions took place during the Christmas holidays.


Year 2001 - The Tendrils

January - The Next Pagan Meet was held in January where we meet every 2nd Saturday of the month.
March - Pagan Meet was a successful one with ten members present.
June/July - Attendance dropped... Pagan Meet ceased to be held.
August/September - Occult Alert in Malaysia, parallel to the Satanic Ritual Abuse furor in America and Britain, albeit on a smaller scale basis. Government confuse by the meaning of the word occult and linked it with Black Metal and Satanic movement.
December 8 - Yule Gathering 8th Dec 2001, with roughly 13-14 people attended...
Late December - allegation of drug-pushing activity found in the network. The rumour was refuted by the coordinator and key members of the network. No further allegations were made.


Year 2002 - The Root

January - 7 of us went down to Kuala Kubu Baru to attend MagickFest and Antares' birthday party. Luna from Singapore's The Goddess Path came down to join in the fun.
January - Study group begins, the first topic was on "Ghosts and Hauntings".
February 2 - Candlemas Gathering and Brigid Honoring Ritual.

February 16 - Study Session on "Divination - Tarot Cards"

This page is last updated on March 2002