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Prayers for Strength
and Renewal

by Armon Cain

Prayer for Strength

Madame Goda
Queen of every hive
halting pace to life
weaving in shining light
thy mare race through twilight
rowning forth new night
glory to thy might!
Coming from every tree
rooted strength in me
fortifying faithful love
from the Old Ones above.
May I thrive. Great Mercy.


A Call to the Raven Woman

Dashka! Dashka! Daska! RU!
Dashka! Dashka! Daska! RU!
Death and decay,
lust and dance,
comes the Great Queen!
In her death prance!

Loosen! Loosen upon the
veins of time and into her
river of forgetfulness I
dive as the Raven one
calls her mighty flight!
Battler, death, wise as
the sky, in the sour of
darkness receive my plight!

Dashka! Dashka! Daska! RU!
Dashka! Dashka! Daska! RU!
Death and decay,
lust and dance,
comes the Great Queen!
In her death prance!


Power Prayer

My Lady,
this thirst I quench
with thy dew and
clad in skin of blue
you come embrace
raise me
brace power
and breathe down my neck
whisper wisdome.
Greatest of arte,
you are star and fire
the rider of goat,
and your net let loose
as I mourn and despair.
Grant hope
Fulfil prayers
the resurrection nears
and your dark lap come I
to rest upon.
May I thrive,
Great Mercy.


Womb Prayer (To be perform at a waterfall)

Hail Bloodmother
Keeper of the womb
Thy origin springs
from the depths
of the sacred well

I give offering of silver. (Give and offering of Silver coin)

Thundering cauldron
tenderer of my tomb,
for which souls are
release to new light
forsake not my partaking
of your sacred mystery
and grant divine light
in the boiling fire by
the Great Artificer.

So grant rebirth
in this washing
and allow my return
to your dark lap.

(Wash yourself in the river in cleansing)


Written by,

Armon Cain
Comments - armon_cain@yahoo.com

Copyright 2002