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Charm against the Red Ones
by Armon Cain

Shadowy Blood hidden at corners,
fiery beings from the lusty earth,
red ones of malice and hatred,
depart and return to the Red mountains,
thy abode of jealousy and anger...
Let it be known that my eyes are
like the burning stars, brimming with
the powers of the Shining Ones,
driving away thy thirst for blood.
And there will be a charm
to stir thy nest
and break thy bones
and pierce thy eyes
and nail thy hands
and burn thy buttocks
and castrate thy genitals
and quarrel thy spirit!
So I warn thee, ye who seek to cause
pain on me, know that I hold the
secret knowledge of powers!
Thy witchcraft has no effect upon me!
I now command thee to depart less ye
seek to rouse my patience and I shall
then have no mercy and act upon
the will of the Goddess against thee!


* The Red Ones are Divinities of bent and cruel nature, jealous of humanity's progress. They are the first children of the Great Mother who causes chaos and confusion to the world. The Horned God himself leads the host of other Gods known and the Shining One to bring peace and order upon this world. But the Red Ones await ever jealously at the fringes to cause disruption to a witch's working.


Written by,

Armon Cain
Comments - armon_cain@yahoo.com

Copyright 2002