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Wiccan Imbolc Ritual
by DeathMoon

As performed by the Network's
Imbolc Gathering 2002.

Five participants are required to lead this ritual. Each of them will represent an element as shown below as an officer:

East Officer (air)
South Officer (fire)
West Officer (water)
North Officer(earth)
Ether Officer (spirit)

Tools: -
- 7 white candles
- 7 red candles
- 1 large red candle
- 1 yellow candle (for East Officer)
- 1 blue candle (for West Officer)
- 1 brown/green candle (for North Officer)
- Bowl/Chalice (for West Officer)
- Sea salt, or mineral/rain water (for West Officer)
- Myrrh incense (for Air Officer)
- White flowers (for Earth & Spirit Officers)
- Musk/Cinnamon/Frankincense/Rosemary oil
- Blue INK pen
- Parchment/Paper
- Athame (for Spirit Officer)
- Oil burner
- Tea light candle (for oil burner)
- Amethyst/Bloodstone/Garnet/Ruby/Onyx/Turquoise stone (for Spirit Officer, if possible)
- A dish where we can burn the paper for the Imbolc wishing spell.

* If possible, everyone bathes with rose soap or salt water (use sea salt) before they come, as a form of self-purification and getting ready for the ritual *

Everyone settles down and sit in a circle. 13 red and white candles are placed and lighted in the middle of the circle. The LARGE RED CANDLE will be placed in
front of Spirit Officer; the YELLOW candle in front of Air Officer; another smaller RED candle in front of Fire Officer; the BLUE candle in front of West Officer; and the GREEN/BROWN candle in front of North Officer, as the representatives of the 5 elements.

Casting the Circle

Spirit Officer will then cast the Circle of Protection. When he passes by East, East Officer will light the yellow candle; followed by South Officer with the Red candle; West Officer with the blue candle; and North Officer with the Green/Brown candle. Everyone meditates as we ask the Goddess to protect those of us within the Circle of Protection. Spirit Officer has to circle the group 3 times.

Calling the Elements (beginning from the EAST)

* All paraphernalia will be placed outside the circle of red and white candles unless told otherwise. Each representative of the quarters will face their OWN respective sides when they are calling the elements. Only Spirit Officer faces the group. *

EAST: East Officer will light the Myrrh incense and say

“With this incense of Myrrh,
We call upon the element of AIR,
To guide, protect, and empower us during this ritual,
So all may be well and fair
So mote it be.”

SOUTH: South Officer will lift the red candle, anoint it with
the oil, and say

“With this red candle and flame,
We call upon the element of FIRE,
To guide, protect, and empower us during this ritual,
So we may achieve all our hearts’ desire
So mote it be.”

WEST: West Officer will pour the water into the bowl/chalice
(add sea salt if it’s not rain/mineral water) and say

“With water in this bowl/chalice,
We call upon the element of WATER,
To guide, protect, and empower us during this ritual,
So our hybrids be connected forever
So mote it be.”

NORTH: North Officer will placed the white flowers on the
ground and say

“With this herb from our mother’s own grounds,
We call upon the element of EARTH,
To guide, protect, and empower us during this ritual,
So may all we ask be rise from birth
So mote it be.”

SPIRIT: (if we have a crystal) Spirit Officer places the crystal on the ground, and lights the BIG RED candle. Everyone holds hands, and Spirit Officer will say

“Stone of power, symbol of fire
With all the elements held together
We now call upon the element of ETHER
To guide, protect, and empower us during this ritual,
So we may honour the Goddess Brighid here
So mote it be”

Honouring the Goddess Brighid

A slight pause from the last incantation, then Spirit Officer continues

“Amidst the darkness and frozen dreams
Now the Lady stirs in her gentle awakening
We await her and honour the return of this maiden
And her promise of oncoming spring”

North Officer brings and places the oil burner into the circle of 13 candles, and says

“Powers of Earth
We honour you, Goddess Brighid
Come join the circle
And share in the light”

West Officer pours water into the oil burner, and says

“Powers of Water
We honour you, Goddess Brighid
Come join the circle
And share in the light”

South Officer lights the tea light candle and places it into the oil burner, and says

“Powers of Fire
We honour you, Goddess Brighid
Come join the circle
And share in the light”

East Officer pours in the oil, waves the scent, and says

“Powers of Air
We honour you, Goddess Brighid
Come join the circle
And share in the light”

Spirit Officer puts the big red candle into the circle of candles, and says

“Be with us now and evermore, Goddess Brighid
Hear now our prayers, hopes, and dreams
We honour you today, and for the whole year through
This candle is the symbol of your everlasting flame”


A meditation on Imbolc and its significance. You may use any form of guided meditations as a start. These excellent for group rituals.

Spell Casting

Everyone can now write down their hopes and dreams for the upcoming year on the parchment/paper, and burn it over the big red candle. I recommend them to say the following chant whilst burning their paper.

“Candle Bright
Burning Fire
Keep within you
Our desire
Listen to
The words we speak
And clear a path
To what we seek
Let our wishes
All come true
As they burn
This night with you
So mote it be”

Releasing the Quarters

Starting from West, going in widdershins, the element candles will be snuffed out. All representatives say together

“Though you leave this circle, tonight
Water, Fire, Air, and Earth
Your symbols shall linger on a while
Blessing our home and hearth
The herbs that scent this room tonight
Were chosen with loving care
To bless us, our family, and our friends
And our sisters and brothers everywhere.”

The circle of 13 candles will be snuffed out, widdershins. Spirit Officer will take the big red candle and place it on the altar. The white flowers, crystal, and oil burner can be placed around it as an offering to Goddess Brighid. Everyone faces the big red candle. Spirit Officer will say

“We honour thee, Goddess Brighid, most blessed Bride
As your candle burns through this night
And thank you for the renewed life you offer us all
As you emerge from the dark to the light”

Spirit Officer will release the Circle of Protection.


Written by,

Comments - satiricaleye@yahoo.com

Copyright 2002