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A New Shade
Little Wandering Child

~by DeathMoon

A New Shade

The intense blue covers the wall
It erases all marks left by you
Fond memories and images are gone
Replaced with a life that's new
But I would always remember
The times we shared together
Although I have changed, and moved on

This new look; this new life
It's plain and empty
Filled with a color so blue
Could it be a reflection of me?
Perhaps it is my heart?
Or my life that has torn apart?
Maybe it predicts what I'm yet to do

Happy evocatives may fade
People may be forgotten
When the future comes
But once I have achieved my ambition
The shade may be replaced
And there might be a fresh face
And I will sit here, fulfilled with contentment



Little Wandering Child

Little child, where are you?
Do not hide behind that tree
You can do what you want to
No more rules; you are free

Little child, do you see that light?
I see it too - isn't it a wonderful sight?
I wish that our hearts were just as bright
For we cannot enter, try as we might

Little child, there is one single regulation
About the terrestrial beings here, you and me
We are called the wandering souls of Heaven
Someday we will be accepted from above, hopefully

Little child, please do not cry
Neglected, abused, all kinds of alibis
That made us want to, and in the end, did die
The truth is, we all took our own lives

Little child, we have to stick together
We are not angels, neither are we evil
We are all just lost souls forever
All we can do is help the living people

Little child, try to reach out to the world
Fly into their dreams like a dove
Let there be no more suicidal boy or girl
Please teach the world to love



Blessed be.

Written by
Death Moon

Copyright 2001, 2002