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"The idea of the Priestess is at the root of all Ancient Beliefs. Only in our ephemeral time has it been neglected. What do we find in the modern development of religion to replace the feminine idea, and consequently the Priestess? When a religion symbolizes the universe by a Divine Being, is it not illogical to omit woman, who is the principle half of it, since she is the principle creator of the other half--that is, man?"

~ Moina Macgregor Mathers as the High Priestess Anari, in an article on 'Isis Worship in Paris' 1899 ~

- My Journey in Search of the Ancient Ones by Luna
- Amen-Re, The All Father by Chia
- Wood (The Faces and Phases of Trees) by Cian
- Revelation by Talamh

- Rites and Requirements by Talamh
- Magick or Science by Talamh
- The Power by Talamh and Guardian

- Away my pain a new beginning is nigh by Cian
- Pele by Lynn Firestar
- A New Shade and Little Wandering Child by DeathMoon
- Nature's Touch and other Poems by
Earth Song
- Furnishing your God by Armon Cain
- Voices of Sea and Wind by Earth Song
- Pregnant with Red... Aborting... by
Celestial Zephyr
- Wer Bisto (Where art thou?) by Cian
- Resonance by Celestial Zephyr

This page is last updated on March 2002