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~by Talamh

Note: A reprint from MyPagan mailing list and Coven of Maia Message Board, courtesy of Talamh.

A curious individual once posted this query in an online message board:

"I've been reading up about was an initiation rite done in a coven. This rite involved disrobing, the 5-fold kiss, hauled up the air, pressed down on the ground, etc. It was kinda intense. My question is, in the entire rite the initiate is blindfolded, so s/he can't see what is going on. What would happen if the initiate fainted? Plus, can someone communicate to the God/dess using sign language? I think so, but I'm not sure."

The reply, for those who might have such ponderings in their mind and might benefit from so:

Don't take too much into account when you read such 'must-do' rites.

Most of these are not necessary in your practice in the Craft/Magick.

Some Covens even use such methods to get people to disrobe in the name of 'it is in the rite to do so' when actually none is needed.

Don't get deluded by some practitioners who even claim sexual services with the 'High Priest' is needed for you to be powerful.

It's amazing what religion, faith and beliefs can be twisted to use to gain for immoral purposes but appear innocent on the forefront.

The bottom line is, if you feel uncomfortable doing such, DON'T. It doesn't make you any less a Wiccan/Witch/etc just because you do not practice such ways. One can be simple with a business clothes on and still be a powerful Witch and even without any athame or candles.

In the end it lies with your dedication in your heart, your preseverance and persistance in practicing your art in the Craft. You can do all the fancy rites you want, but if you don't follow up with discipline, persistance to continue and true dedication, it's useless.

It's amazing those with none of the 'required rite procedures' can actually attain much more power and results with just the true to the heart dedication, love, preseverance and not giving up to the world.

The world will push and make you conform to their standards. The power lies in not giving in but making your own path, pushing the universe around you but still not harming anyone. If you can do this, you win.

As for blindfolding, some do it so the initiate can't see what's going on, which may be the case that the other members are either ogling her while she is disrobed (such cases do happen) or even as to the extent where the others are kissing her all over (but she is made to believe that only the 'High Priest' is doing such). Your comment about what if the initiate faints is a show that such blindfolding doesn't warrant as a good excuse for a necessary part of the rite. Not all magickal circles actually follow the proper code of conduct. Many use it as a means to get what would be called unproper conduct masked behind the face of religion, spirituality or "done by someone holy, can trust".

As for communicating, if all were confined to only communicating to the Goddess/God via verbal usage, that would make it discriminatory.

Sign language, verbal uttering, a thought in the mind, all will serve its purpose as long you have the intent and desire inside your heart.

Don't step blindy into the water just because others say "it is required to do so". Question ways & methods and you will progress.

Blessings onto you and Merry Part & Merry Meet Again for eternity.

Written by Talamh

Copyright 2001, 2002