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~by Talamh

" Sweet is the lore which Nature brings;
Our meddling intellect
Mis-shapes the beauteous forms of things.
We murder to disect.
Enough of Science and Art;
Close up those barren leaves;
Come forth, and bring with you a heart
That watches and receives."

- Wordsworth, William

Magick or Science?

Don't chose. Don't compare. Don't wonder. Don't ignore the other.

Don't make it an effort burden to yourselves. Augment both. Magick is Science and Science is Magick. Both work in tandem. From Quantum Physics to Spiritual Entities, Science merely explains the mystery of Magick. Don't dwell too much in Magick that you lose yourself in fantasy. Neither should you be involved too much in Science that you become an analytical, logical and a mathematical robot. In the days of yore, Magicians, Witches and Occult practioners knew the ways of alchemy & chemistry, be it for their potions or Magickal concotions.

Science merely gives a substantial proof and evidence to explain why the sphere can fit into the space meant for a cube. Magick does not explain logically. It just works because the people believe in it.

Science dwells on the fact people are insecure to simply belief in something unless it can be proven through rational and logical thinking. Brought up in a World that favours no trust, they have lost faith in just believing something and required proof to believe.

It's no wonder in the Ancient times, Perfect Love & Perfect Trust was not only uttered, it was heeded and well worked with. With the betrayals each use onto each other that is all but broken & lost.

But there are those who still have & hold on to Perfect Trust. And for those that do, they still believe in the Magick World unconditionally.

Which one are you?

"Mummy! Mummy! I saw a fairy in the bush!"
"Don't be stupid! What rubbish are you talking about! There's no such things as fairies! Where do you get this crazy ideas from?!"

Peace be within yourselves for Eternity,
Written by Talamh

Copyright 2001, 2002