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My Journey in Search of
the Ancient Ones

~by Luna

These days, countries are having overwhelming responds from people turning their beliefs into Paganism. This seems to be an "IN" thing for people all over the world; we begin to pay more attention to our spirituality than material needs. We start listening to our inner self for answers and directions. We call ourselves Pagans as we do not practice the major faith recognize internationally and worship the ancient Gods & Goddesses.

Someone once asked me, what exactly is Paganism and how do you walk the Goddess Path? I am not going to quote from the dictionaries of what is the exact meaning of the word Paganism but rather share with you from my perspectives on who can be Pagan and how? Can we name ourselves Pagans, Wiccans or Kabalists just because we pick up a few books from some bookstore and attempt a few magickal rituals? Or do we need to find some learned guru or master to accomplish our training like going through the school educational systems, having tests and examinations?

I am a self taught Pagan living in Asia, I study my beliefs by reading all kinds of books ranging from ascension, healing, divination, meditation, ceremonial magick and etc. I did countless of test and trial rituals to gain experience and understanding on how to cast a circle or call upon the elements. In Asia, we are not blessed with leaders who legalise Paganism as a national religion; we do not have a grove or coven that plan for a monthly drumming circle, a Sabbath celebration nor an international convention for yearly pagan gathering. We have very limited resources and information as we gain most knowledge from western countries where established Pagan leaders live.

The journey in search for the Ancient Ones is open to all who dares to walk their path. There is no worship ground like churches, synagogue or mosques but we could have any space make sacred by us. We do not need a father, priest or monk to consecrate our talisman; we use our own essence to bless it. We do not have a bible, a torah or Holy Scriptures to invoke our Goddesses or Gods; instead we dance, sing and even write hymns and poetry to honor her.

Despite all these, is it truly enough to become a fulfilled Pagan? Apart from all the glamour people might think about casting spells and performing rituals, how many Pagans out there in Asia really understanding the background of who they are worshipping and histories of their Goddesses and Gods?

Like Muslims, they have their Hadjh to Mecca (Muslim's holy Land) for their holy pilgrimage. For me, it is a visit to Turkey, Greece and Egypt. I have always wanted to travel there for since young. I want to stand on the very ground where the infamous Temple of Apollo used for consulting oracles, to feel the majestic temple echoes through the forbidden knowledge of the past. Visit one of the great seven wonders of the world - Ephesus (Temple of Artemis) which now left only ruins but still stand a very impressive preservation of ancient time; the lands where the ancient Goddesses and Gods once ruled and dwelled. A trip there is like a journey back to the time tunnel and watch the scene of magick and myth re-run at your very own eyes and to gain more insights to our Pagan's roots.

Although our land in Asia does not whisper great secrets like those who have survived through thousand years of histories. But I believe, the path of the Goddesses and Gods will always laid upon those who are willing to take the very first step, no matter which part of the world they are from.As they always say, you will know it when you hear the "calling".

May we all walk the path with faith, kindness, love, courage, perseverance and strength.

A collection from my BOS.

Prayer to Apollo

Hail, God of prophecy, strength and music - Apollo,
I seek your guidance to lead me to your path.
Show me the strength to conquer all obstacles and fears,
Grant me the wisdom to your ancient knowledge,
Let me always remember my blessings
& share my journey with those who seek my guidance.
Blessed Be.

Written by - Luna Javsa G.
~3rd March 2001~
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